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About Neurology Congress 2025

The European Congress on Neurology and Brain Disorders, scheduled for April 28-29, 2025, in Lisbon, Portugal, will gather neurology experts and professionals from around the globe. Together, we will collaborate to advance our understanding and treatment of neurological conditions, striving to reduce their impact through innovation in prevention, therapy, and rehabilitation.

Join us to engage with leading neurologists and researchers, explore the latest scientific breakthroughs, clinical trials, and guidelines in neurology and brain disorders. Connect with a global network dedicated to enhancing neurological care through knowledge-sharing, skill-building workshops, and impactful research.

Let's unite to drive forward advancements in neurology and ensure better outcomes for patients worldwide at the European Congress on Neurology and Brain Disorders in Lisbon, Portugal.

Why to Attend

  • Get the latest in neuroscience innovation.
  • A chance to network with colleagues.
  • Focus on specialty neuroscience and brain disorders topics.
  • To raise awareness for mental health care, highlight risks of inadequate treatment, and explore effective cures for brain disorders.
  • Explore a world-class tourist destination.

Who Can Attend

Neurologists, Neurosurgeons & Neuroscientists
Neuropsychologists, Neuro-oncologists & Neuroradiologists
Pediatric Neurologists and Neurophysiologists
Neurointensivists and Neurogeneticists
Neurorehabilitation Specialists
Clinical Neurologists
Clinicians and Physicians
Researchers, Students and Trainees
Academic and Industry Experts
Healthcare Administrators
Therapists and all the related fields of researchers